stdClass Object ( [uid] => 0 [hostname] => [roles] => Array ( [1] => anonymous user ) [cache] => 0 )
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Head Start Registration for School Year 2019-2020

Head Start Registration for School Year 2019-2020

Head Start is currently registering children for School Year 2019-2020. The comprehensive services offered by Head Start supports children by providing a safe and enriched learning environment while facilitating early identification of developmental delays and access to early intervention, health care, and mental health services. In addition, Head Start provides a significant source of family support, parent education and other services for parents and other family members. Refer to our registration flyer for a list of outreach dates as well as all required documents which must be brought to determine eligibility. If documents are complete and child is found to be eligible, we will register the child at that time and provide them with a health packet. Updates will also be posted on our website or Facebook page.

Head Start Registration Outreach for SY 2019-2020 June 2019

Head Start Application Part One for SY2019-2020