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October is Head Start Awareness Month

October is Head Start Awareness Month

Join us as we celebrate Head Start Awareness Month and tag us on our social media platforms!


Virtual Proclamation Signing:

On October 15, 2020 the Honorable Governor Lou Leon Guerrero proclaims October as Head Start Awareness Month. Watch the Virtual Proclamation Signing Below:


Get Up And Move!

October 6, October 13, October 23 - Head Start encourages regular physical activity for young children. Please join us for our live Zoom follow along activities scheduled for October  6th, October 13th, October 23. Register at to receive the Zoom link. Can’t make it?  We understand! In addition, we encourage you to utilize our physical activity handouts that list simple and fun activities for families to promote a healthy environment in your home.


Head Start DRIVE THROUGH Pride Day:

October 9 - Support our Head Start children, families, and staff by joining in a Drive Through Pride Day Parade during your designated Hard copy/meal distribution days! Families are encouraged to decorate their cars and wear our Head Start colors of red,  white, and blue when picking up Hard Copy Packets and Grab-N-Go meal distribution.  Tag us on our social media.


Mental Health Day:

October 10 - Take a break and relax. Use today to do your favorite self-care activities! Post a selfie or video of yourself doing your favorite self-care activity and tag us on social media.


Family Literacy Volunteer:

October 12-16 - Whether you read a bedtime story or talk about the news,  you are helping to develop your child’s language and literacy skills. Contact your child’s teacher & volunteer to read a book or tell a story to children during virtual class time. 


Virtual Family Story Hour:

October 5 & October 19 - We encourage families to participate in this free biweekly online family read along with activities. Participants will eventually receive copies of children’s books used at these virtual sessions. The recurring virtual sessions will be held every other Monday until December. Interested persons can register with Guam Humanities at


Parent-Child Literacy Project -

Participate in a parent-child project and create your own story for a chance to be featured in our Head Start website and/or social media! We  encourage parents to work with your children in creating an original story book. Write and Illustrate a short story book, orally present an  original story, or feature your child’s art in a picture book! Video record you and/or your child presenting their original book or telling a  story and submit it to by October 24


Head Start Through Our Eyes Stories -

Did you attend Head Start as a child? Are you a current or past Head Start parent or family member? We want to hear your story about how Head Start has helped your child and family. Typed responses may be submitted by October 17 to and may be featured on our website and/or social  media! You may also post your stories on Facebook or Instagram, tag us @GuamHeadStart, and use the hashtag #MyHeadStartStory.


Parent Teacher Conference:

October 20 - Check with your child’s teacher for information on the 1st quarter Parent-Teacher Conference.


GHSPC Transitioning Meeting:

October 21 - The first meeting for newly elected Parent Representatives will be held on Zoom at 6pm. Elections for GHSPC officers will be held at this meeting. As  always, Parent Alternates, other interested parents & staff are welcome to attend. 


HS Knowledge Series:

October 8, 15, 22, 29, 30, and 31 - These workshops will provide families with information and activities to support positive child and family outcomes. Register to attend our workshops at